90 Gallon Tank With Fish Pics!


Fish Crazy
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
Fort Myers, Florida
Finally I have got around to cycle my 90 gallon after months of talking about it! It is a little cloudy right now because I was moving the gravel around earlier. It is going to home a Ruby Red Oscar, and 5 Silver Dollars. I put a credit card on the bottom for a size reference... Please comment.


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very nice. I like the large pebble substrate that you chose. You might consider angling your heater as it will allow the thermostat to be more accurate. I believe I've heard about oscars picking up large pebbles and spitting them at the glass. Not sure if this is true just a heads up if you hear a strange ping sound in the night =).
very nice. I like the large pebble substrate that you chose. You might consider angling your heater as it will allow the thermostat to be more accurate. I believe I've heard about oscars picking up large pebbles and spitting them at the glass. Not sure if this is true just a heads up if you hear a strange ping sound in the night =).
O yeah i know oscars are strong fish.
Well here is the tank now its cleared up... As you can see the suns glare is on it at the moment


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Tilt the termometer. It's supposed to heat the tank better. It is starting to look very, very good. :nod:
Yes he does. Btw i know its only personel opinion but a black backgraound would look alot nicer and also maybee stack the rock up a bit.(Unless the fish in there need it like that for some reason. Nice tank now though.
nice tank what filters are you using looks to me a penguin or emperor biowheel 330 or 400 and a aquaclear maybe?

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