Several months ago I bought what was being sold as a "tiger catfish" and within a few days noticed the smaller of my neon tetras disappearing (without a trace). It continued until I had only one tetra left and he was very lonely for a long time. I recently began buying neon tetras again, and again they are disappearing. In addition to the killer tiger /shark/ cat / fish, my 10 gallon tank contains a Betta (very nice fish), a pleco (obviously not capable of eating tetras), an albino catfish, some harlequin rasboras, a leopard danio, and now 4 neon tetras. I have not officially seen the "tiger" eat a neon, but he is almost always hiding - he is positively proficient at burrowing under rocks and he clearly despises all light - and this morning he was swimming around for the first time in a while, and when he saw me, quickly buried himself. I noticed the other fish were sort of startled or nervous-looking... and behold, another neon tetra was gone.
The tiger hid in a way that his belly was up against the glass (under the gravel) and when I lifted the bottom trim of the base of the tank, I got a pretty good look at him, and I might be crazy, but I thought I could see the shape and color of a tetra inside him. WHAT IS THIS FISH. ?! I've done research and THERE IS NO "TIGER CAT FISH" - EVEN THE FISH STORE I BOUGHT IT FROM HAS NO IDEA WHAT IT IS !!! Has anyone even heard of this happening HELP!
The tiger hid in a way that his belly was up against the glass (under the gravel) and when I lifted the bottom trim of the base of the tank, I got a pretty good look at him, and I might be crazy, but I thought I could see the shape and color of a tetra inside him. WHAT IS THIS FISH. ?! I've done research and THERE IS NO "TIGER CAT FISH" - EVEN THE FISH STORE I BOUGHT IT FROM HAS NO IDEA WHAT IT IS !!! Has anyone even heard of this happening HELP!