Life, Love & Everything in Between
I have a question for all you smarties out there. I have 7 girlies in a filtered, heated 10 gallon. It has been running successfully for almost a year now. There are 2 sets of spawn siblings in there, 5 of Synirr's, and 2 that I got when I joined the IBC. They went in about a month apart but I have never, ever had any problems. They get along wonderfully and each one has a special cave, flower, or plant that they have claimed as their own. I was thinking of maybe adding some shrimp to the tank for clean up and character as well. I don't want to be overstocked and I am looking to you guys for some guidance. So if it's a go, what kind of shrimp? I know about ghost shrimp but I was wondering if there's anything with a little more color and definately nothing that is "iffy." Also if this is a yay and not a nay, do I acclimate them as I would a new fish? I am off to do some internet studying but I appreciate any input. Thanks in advance!