Had my tank up and running now since last september, current stock is in my sig, I did last year have a mild case of BGA which I managed to get rid of using a half dose of maracyn. However, after this went probably since early december I've been getting what I thought was hair algae long flowing strands growing on the plants/rocks and also on some of the slower growing ones like a fur (from reading a few other posts I think this is BBA), I thought I would give it a little time to see if the tank settled and it was christmas, but it's been getting worse, I've now removed a number of plants to try and curtail it but it's still there. I was thinking of adding more plants more than before to see if this would help but i don't want to start off on the wrong foot, I've stopped adding fish while I try and get this under control as I don't want to scare them when I replant, would this be a good move to just put loads of plants in or is there something more scientific I should look to do. If I do replant, is this going to be stressful to my fish.