50 Gal, Improvement?

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Fish Buddy

Fish Addict
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
This was taken in Dec in 2004

this was taken in March 2005


  • march_2005.jpg
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Don't know what we're comparing it to, but if you put a background on it, sounds like an improvement to me.
Are you keeping teh tank bare bottom because you find it easier to maintain? the thid pic isn't coming up for me.
Some bogwood or driftwood in there would look great though, nice tank either way though :) .
Yah, I find the tank way easier to clean without substrate. I have some black gravel in the shed that would cover the bottom but it is a combination of lazyness and uncertanty weather I want the gravel in the tank or sand that keeps me from washing it and using it.

I do have may pieces of drift/bog wood in the tank but I guess you can't see it...
Well, as long as you like it without substrate, then thats all that matters. Great tank, I love the Angels in March.
Really? No stubstrate?
How are you keeping the plants down? Using weights I prosume?
I use the rocks as planters. They have holes in them and I just place the plant in there and hold it with a smaller rock on the side. And the pennywort is held down by the drift wood.

Yah, it's hard to tell how far it has come with out reference pictures!
That tanks looks awesome! :drool: How many angels do you have in there and how were they to the other angels and fish when 2 of them spawned?
I think there were 6 angels there (I no longer have them as I sold them to the Glassblower). Way back when, when the angels spawned on a peice of flat bog wood, the pair would chase the other angels out of their territory. They left the other fish alone. At that time I had a pictus catfish and in the night, it ate all the eggs :grr:

The other fish I have in there are australian rainbows (which Glassblower now has)
brilliant rasboras, giant, and blue danios, long finned barb, and neon dwarf, and turquoise rainbows.

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