Once they pair off its easy, your black angel is stunning.....two of mine paired up and spawn every month but since thay are in a tank with other fish they never get to hatch.
If I had the space I would breed them as the pair I have are lovely looking fish and their fry would turn out lovely.
Thanks everyone, and in that case, heres some more of the parents
If you're wondering, the female got in a little trouble with a krib a long time ago, however her fins have been growing back. (so its not genetic)
And durbkat, as you can see in the last picture theres a cory, 2 total, and 3 red eye tetras. About 2-3 days before spawning they become more aggressive towards the tetras, (dont see to mind the cories) and keep them pushed back, and looks like the tetras know better than to swim towards them while spawning or else they get chased off, so far no damage what so ever to the tetras. (29 gallon tank)
Sorry I didn't see that you edited it till alittle while after I posted sorry, I'll go delete my previous post and thanks. I hope my angels are like that to my other fish when they spawn.