Beta Types?


New Member
Dec 23, 2005
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i have 2 bettas 1 female and 1 male. i would like to know what types they are because the internet is just confusing me!!! i would also like to know if they are compatible for mating with eachother.... plz help!!!




male is veil tail.
i think the female is too.

don't breed them. search the board for breeding topics.
you won't find homes for the fry if you manage to raise any
if they are pet shop bettas yes? if so they're probably already too old for breeding anyway.

don't mean to be negative, but too many people just want to breed for the fun of it.
breeding bettas should be about improving a bloodline & tail type, improving the breed, not just making excess fry for LFS's to deal with.
Don't breed yet, especially if they're store-bought
you have two lovely, yet common veiltail bettas. They are the most common betta, and traditionally seen at petstores, inbred and weak. It is very hard to find homes for the vast number of fry they produce. Your fish are still pretty, though, and look healthy. Don't let the word common sway you from liking them.
They're very cute Veiltails! hence the name, VT's are named for tails shaped like veils draping downward... you can truly tell if it's a VT by visually (n o t literally ;)) cutting the tail in half from the base. If the rays aren't symmetrical, you have a Veil. VT's are sold at pet stores everywhere for $1-4, so it'd be extremely difficult to sell the fry for anything much more than that - which would really leave you in the hole financially. Because the origin of these Bettas is unknown, nothing is really being added to the species, so what is the point, really? They'll be perfectly happy as spoiled pets.

Believe ME... spawning is not some easy weekend project. Think every day, hours and hours of work and dedication, for 3-4 months! If you're really interested, I advise you get much more Betta-savvy by acquiring more Bettas, either from your LFS or from Aquabid or other places, and get used to caring for lots of Bettas and keeping them healthy. Your best bet for spawning is to get a nice, high quality pair from Aquabid or a breeder. Check out for a lot of info!

Also... your female looks quite nipped up :( she needs lots of clean water, a bit of aquarium salt and Bettamax to repair that.
Thanx everyone! i dont think ill breed them after all. im really attached to my female and im afriad the male will kill her!!! so its best if i just keep them completly seperated! and i really wouldnt have enough time for the fry because i have a dog to take care too!

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