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  • I'm here still. Havn't been here on TFF for about 2 months now though, but still here.
    Hows the female Jack doing?
    i cant see the freaks in your stocking list mate............
    not ashamed are you......!
    Alright mate. Just to let you know you are more than welcome to my female Jack whenever you want her. £5 and she's yours, if you were to have other fish i could probably warrant delivering her to you perhaps. Especially if i can coax David into having my Firemouth and Harlequins. Let me know...
    I went and bought two juvi Geophagus Brsiliensis yesterday from the same place i got the last ones from. I just couldnt be without them and regretted selling mine to you lol xD
    Ace, glad they are doing great. Yerrr, about the pictus. I did say they were hyper, they NEVER stay still. We have 3 others in the tank in the tank in the kitchen at the gf's and they just hide all day under a rock and don't move. Yet the 3 i bought for my tank in the living room, well...as you can see they are nuts.
    You'll have to let me know if when they geos breed, i...
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