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  • ... sorry to spam. But it looks like I got cut off. Twice. Sorry!
    Anyway, about the first post. If he even seems to actually notice you, feed him! And always take the food out if he doesn't eat it and it's so obvious he's ignoring it. Second post = The key thing is to have constant water changes as much as possible. It helps. Promise! Once you learan cycling, it maa...
    And once he does get used to you, he should just go straight to the top! I feed mine about 4-5 pellets total. Their stomach = size of one eye. OH! And they're jumpers too! So try to cover the bowl as best you can, without blocking oxygen. Seriously, jumping sucks. Lol. And constant water changes yes. It IS compromisable though, I doubt he will die if you miss a couple. Just key...
    Didn't notice you posted there! My bad!
    Well how long have you had him? It does take a long time for them to get used to their tanks... i think the worst i've heard was two weeks? Two weeks and no eating is dangerous, just fyi. Let him get used to it is all I can see. Pay attention to all of his personalities. If he even SEEMS to taken notice of you, try to feed him ...
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