
Beta breeding, schooling fish, goldfish, animals in general. I'm a professional pet groomer at petco. 8 yrs grooming. Been interested in fish for years and have recently started it as a hobby. collecting beta types and planning on breeding as a hobby
Oct 21, 1985 (Age: 38)
Melbourne FL
My Aquariums & Fish
I have a 55 gal gold fish aquarium. 3 of the fish I'm growing to a larger size for a friend's pond (platinum butterfly koi, 2 subinkin(sp?)... they are big and similar to the koi. I have 4 feeders I rescued(might end up in the friends pond), 2 gold orandas, 2 calico orandas, 2 redcap orandas, 2 moors, and 2 ryunkins. I'm aware how big they get and in a year or two will be in a home that I can have a very large tank. In the mean time I have live plants and drift wood, a bubbler toward the left side, and because they are so dirty I have to keep the water clean. an expensive tank indeed.
I have a 10 gal community tank with cobra guppies, several types of mollies and pladies. My halfmoon double tail male lives in there quite happily.
I have a 6 gal community tank, housing cobra guppies (assorted color) balloon molly and a marble molly and a dwarf gormi. Eventually I'll combine the 6 and 10 in a 30 gal and make the 10 gal a breeding tank for the betas, and the 6 gal a female beta tank.
the six gallon tank has live plants in it and a small heater. I haven't gotten a heater for the 10 gal(on the to do list), the 55 is completely set up.
I have 8 betas all except one in 1/2 gal to 1 gal bowls, all have live plants and are displayed on a bookshelves far from kitty reach. All males-a halfmoon double tail, 2 crowns, delta, reg plakat, king beta, reg double tail (5 colors I'm proud to say), and I believe he's an elephant ear plakat male... I need help identifying him- was sold as a halfmoon plakat male however his little front fins(forgive me I cannot remember the name) are huge compared to my other plakat male. I'm looking at purchasing a solid red vail tail and a long finned elephant ear or perhaps a double tail halfmoon plakat.