
Jan 31, 1974 (Age: 50)
My Aquariums & Fish
Fish Tank

Hagen Fluval Venezia 190 Corner Aquarium.


1 x Common Plec. 5" Yes I plan to rehome or move to larger tank.

2 x Bolivian Rams. 2" I call these the two old men because of how they interact. They bother no other fish and no other fish bother them

5 x Dalmation Mollys. 1 to 2" these were from a lone female that died. I have rehomed 13 of these allready. and . Vary in size from 20mm to 40mm

2 x Black neon Tetras. 1" I have had these from very first tank.

1 x Spotted congo puffer. 2" Amazing little guy and IS one of the family. Never bothers any fish and eats any food put in tank. Got him a couple of years ago from someone on a forum and never seen or heard about anyone else having one. Looks like a GSP but has spines visable all over body, albeit tiny.

5 x kuhli Loaches. 2 to 3" Very rarely see any of these.

3 x X-Ray tetra. 1"

3 x Gold barbs. 1"

Tank 2

Custom built window sill tank 845 x 130 x 200 high.

7 Cherry shrimps.

3 Micro Rasboras

5 Harlequin Rasboras

