God, fish, soccer, hockey, floor hockey, indoor soccer...
- Birthday
Jul 1, 1993
(Age: 31)
- Website
- Location
- My Aquariums & Fish
- 130 gallon 48" x 26" x 24"
one Rosy Barb
one Bristlenose Catfish
twenty Neon tetras
five Cherry Barbs
two SAE's
three Bolivian Rams
male kribensis
one female silver lyretail molly
one female gold dust molly
three gold gouramis
six bronze cories
six elegant cories
three male guppies
a few baby kribensis
17 gallon 29.5"x12"x12"
female kribensis
four black neon tetras
36 gallon 32"x16"x16"
two male dalmatian mollies
one bumblebee goby
one baby kribensis
- Gender
- Male
<Liverpool FC for the win!>
130 gallon planted started August 11 2009
Fish: 1 Rosy Barb, 1 ancistrus sp?, 2 SAE's, 20 Neon Tetras, 5 Cherry Barbs, 3 Bolivian Rams, 6 Elegant Cories, 6 Bronze Cories, 1 Female Silver Lyretail Molly, 1 Female Gold Dust Nolly, 3 Gold Gouramis, 3 Male Guppies
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