Well my name is Phil and im a forklift driver during the day and a Reptile and Invert breeder at night. I'm also a father of 2 a boy and a girl. I live up in NH where it is quiet so I dont have to worry about much. I'm pretty much just a laid back person who likes to get along most of the time. I'm just getting back in to the hobby ive been out of it for about 4 years now and a lot has changed especially the fish as well. So I kinda went crazy and within a week I had 3 tanks up and running. They are nothing special at the moment because I got normal rectangle tanks but soon ill be upgrading to bow fronts and such gotta love them. But if you would like to have a conversation and share tactics on fish keeping that would be great. Hope to talk to some of you soon thanks.
Reptiles,Inverts,Fish, and all sorts of other animals. Football,MMA,video games and all sorts of other random little things that I like.
- Birthday
Jun 24, 1983
(Age: 41)
- Location
- My Aquariums & Fish
- 75 Gallon- Midas, ClownKnife, Brown African knifefish, Blue Acara, Green Terror, 2 Blue Channel Cats,Convict, Ancistrus albino Bristlenose Pleco
30 gallon Long- Geo, Blue Ram, Puffers, 4 lined Pictus, rope fish.
10 gallon- Neon Tetras, Zebra Danios, rosey barbs, glass fish.
- Gender
- Male