
I have been involved in the fish keeping hobby for 38 years. Started with a 55 gallon tank with various tetras and have had as many as nine tanks running when I was breeding Angels. I am now back to just three, 75, 29 and 10 gallon tanks. I love most things that do with water.... swimming, fountains, ocean vacations, etc. I like having my hands in the tank aquascaping, growing plants, cleaning filters, changing water. The best is seeing my fish thrive, healthy and hungry.

I have always had a few plants in each tank, but this past year when I got my 75 gallon, I challenged myself to create a heavily planted tank with a healthy, thickly planted aquascape. No Co2. I have had my challenges with getting my fertilizers on target, but am enjoying the plant side of the hobby as much as the fish side.

Retirement is a great time to enjoy my aquarium. I spend about an hour each morning watching the fish and fiddling with maintenance. My angels continue to lay eggs every few weeks. My Rainbows are vibrant turquoise, red and bosmani's very orange/blue. It's a great hobby!
Aug 1, 1952 (Age: 72)
My Aquariums & Fish
75 gallon heavily planted, low tech, freshwater with Rainbows, Angels, Albino Corys, Bristlenose, and Clown Loach. 29 gallon with mated Angel pair, Bolivan Rams, Juili Corys. 10 gallon quarantine tank.


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