tank #1 20 g long, 8 cardinal tetras, 3 red minor tetras, 2 white clouds, four guppies, 2 cories and three coolie loaches, lighting 15 watt T12, inert substrate, Aqueon hob filter, plants are hornwort, java ferns and anubias, dosing w Excel, NPK and Flourish, weekly 50% water changes
tank #2 - 22 gal Oceanic that I resealed, fish - 4 red minor tetras, 2 gold rams, 1 opaline gourami, 9 blue tetras, 4 sunset platies, inert substrate, light is retrofitted with AHS 36 watt pc w reflector which is muted by frosted glass and white electrical tape, plants - hornwort, crypt balansae, amazon sword, water sprite and java ferns dosed w. Excel, NPK and Flourish, weekly 50% water changes, changing hob filter to Marineland C220 and about to place ADA AS undergravel and replace hornwort with more crypts and add more java ferns and some anubias, pressurized CO2 will be added w. ADA AS