
I'm retired and live in a motor home. I have room for a 2.5 gallon aquarium to accommodate one blue/red crowntail betta named Herman. It's nice to have something move as though glad to see me when I come home. He has almost reached watchdog status, which should earn him nicer quarters. Unfortunately space restrictions in the motorhome won't allow a larger aquarium, so I'll have to see what I can do about making his space more luxurious. The girls (bonsai)only require a little water and fertilizer once in a while, but they don't dance for joy when I come home. Herman does.<br />
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The Lovely Ms. Marie... heavy sigh!<br />
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I kept two 20 gallon community tanks (over crowded)many years ago and I'm amazed at how much the aquarium hobby has changed. I was not prepared to become a chemist but I'll adapt. Having fun. Enjoying the new challenges.

Bettas, Fountain Pens, Fly Fishing, The Lovely Ms. Marie
Jan 8, 1936 (Age: 88)
Missouri USA
My Aquariums & Fish
Presently a 2.5 gallon; in the process of upgrading to 5 gallon, which is the absolute maximum I can accomoadate, unless I put it on the bed! One blue/red Crown Tail Betta named Herman.


Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting what to have for dinner. Freedom is a well armed lamb contesting the vote!
Benjamin Franklin