
Moved house, house had a pond and we've been caring for it for 4 years now. To begin with there was 1 common carp, 7 goldfish, 1 rudd and an unknown fish. Noticed 1 of the fish had bad blisters so we did some shopping, the main thing was getting a filter for the pond. We also took all the fish out and cleaned up the pond. Shortly after the fish began breeding like crazy!<br />
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We still have 6 of the original fish left and then over 30 young goldfish (their babies), a carp hybrid and 4 koi. <br />
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Got my first tank (25l) Feb 2009. It was originally for housing triops but we got some neon and black neon tetras to make the tank more interesting. My triop died and the tank was left with fish which I grew to love. <br />
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Parents didn't do ANY reading and bought 5 platies (1 male and 4 females) which made the tank VERY overcrowded, so got a 125l for them. Not long after the platies were breeding, my 25l which was going to become a quarantine or be for triops again then turned into a nursery!<br />
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Got some guppies which seemed fine when I got them but must have had callamanus worms because they soon died and a while later I noticed red worms hanging out the anuses of most my other fish. I tried treating them but I must have done something wrong because most of them died, which left me with 7 fry.<br />
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Unsure if my fry have worms, I'm keeping my eye on them and when I see one showing any symptoms I put it down, don't want to take any chances! I am now down to 5 fry, 2 males, 2 females and 1 which is still too young to be sexed. Unfortunately 1 of the males bullies the other, but I can't add another female and don't want to put either of them down! =(<br />
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Plan on restarting my 125l tank with different fish! My platy fry will not be going in there, just in case! Unsure if I'll keep them in the 5gal (I know it'll be overcrowded when they've grown) or put them all to sleep! I've become quite attatched to them which makes my choices more difficult!

Nature, Photography.
May 7, 1992 (Age: 32)
My Aquariums & Fish
25l: currently housing 5 platy fry

125: currently empty