
art, plants, critters, camping, snow, kites, walking, hiking, gardening, bonzai, anything that glows in the dark, caves, mountains, trees, climbing, birds, water, chocolate, cookies, dessert, snacks, fruit, candy,<br />I make shells and bunk beds and stuff for my fishes in ceramics. I also make stuff that's not for fishes. I write stories a little too.<br />I have been making fish out of glass lately, especially fish bowl jewelery. I've also been doing lost wax casting and a little enammeling and stuff with sheet copper
Sacramento (City of the Governator)
My Aquariums & Fish
tank 1 (10 gallons): whitish gravel with mostly green accents (planted) trumpet snails and pond snails and rams horn snails, ,, 3 feeder goldfish- polly?-dark redorange with white around eyes like a parrot, Nemo?- yellowey light orange with 1 pectoral fin slightly smaller than the other, still deciding on name- brownish metalic gold/bronze

tank 2 (10 gallons): black and brightrainbow gravel (planted) probably way too many rams horn snails and pond snails, maybe a few trumpet snails, about 80 bronze cory fry.

tank 3 (29 gallons): ( dense floating clouds of plants at top) comunity- , rams horn snails, pond snails, trumpet snails. Cory cats - BC (bronze cory), Pinki(albino bc), Bandit (C. shwartzii with a huge club or drumstick ahaped pectoral fin and a smaller tumor starting to groe where his anal fin should be), , baby bc's from almost as big as their dad to newborns hiding in the gravel, including- Shorty-short due to birth defect, but gets aroud fine, Flipper- one of the first 3 to survive in the comunity when the first ones to succeed in fry tank hadn't even hatched yet. her pectoral fins bend out and upp more than normal, and Kneela, a couple of broods younger than Flipper but now the largest after BC herself. Her pectorals resemble Flipper's, and her tail and pelvic fins also curl so much that if the pelvic fins were legs, she'd look like she was kneeling.
1 black neon, 1 white cloud mountain minnow, 1 marbled hatchet fish, 1 african dwarf frog - Miss Piggy, 1 coolie loach - Squiggle, 1 yoyo loach - Hideeyo,

I'm not bothering to sort the gups just now because they keep changing and moving and reproducing better in the comunity than in the breeding tank.
boy gupplers- tiger endlers, , half delta tail, smiley tail gupplers, etc.

about a dozen yellow girl guppies, 4 yellow boys-2 blonde endlers with double sword tails, 2 with more solid red-orange fins, fry, including 1 that isn't yellow and already has endler stripes on his tail, even though he's really tiny.

tank 4 (20 gallons): (planted)some snails, mostly rams horn 2 goldfish Cracker -traditional orange, Creamsicle - reddish orange spotted white commet, barely.Now he's almost pure white except for a disapearing smudge in front of the dorsal fin.

Puppy (or Scrappy?)- shubunkin with one dark blue eye and one golden eye, - died last summer

10g with sponge filter, cory fry and maybe around 80 tiny baby apple snails, yellowish -whitish with those wonderful tiny neon orange chromatophore spots and eyes
smaller, more temporary tanks:

and Sunspot (or Sunny) - pinkish yellow betta with a few dark red specks and splotches in his crookedish curly fins also died

purple top 2g critter keeper : purple swirly glow in the dark dish for a hermit crab that i don't have yet. and might decide to put in something that holds in humidity better.

....and hopefully not in any tank: 2 cats (sisters and littermates who could be part Norwegian Forest Cat, judging by the long soft fur, especially between the toes)- Rosey - (12 lb)glowingly white with black spots , also called Snoopy or fluffy - the curiosity cat - casually interested in anyone who might feed or pet her, and Ember-mostly black tortie with firey golden swirls, also known as Spooky or fuzzy - the scaredy cat (7 lb) very attatched to one person (me) and avoids everyone else, especially Rosey.

