fish boy

Fish keeping,Reptile keeping and music (learning drums and electric guitar :p)
Mar 4, 1994 (Age: 30)
My Aquariums & Fish
I have a 100gal tank with :Two 7 inch parrot fish and 1 smaller 1(i know a cross between to fish convict-severum,frontoser-severum and so on,1 fully grown corydorus costatus(raphael catfish),a spotted cat (forgot real name :S)large convict,2 fully grown (pair)silver dollars,and a new addition(only tempory a recue from som1s tank...a large kissing goraume(cant spell),and 1 12 inch pleco

I have a 45gallon (soon to be upgraded to 75gal im only 12 n poor)with :8 inch plec,4 inch corydorus costatus breeding pair of golden severums M 7 inch F 6 inch(not sure if my male is fertile or if my ph is to alkaly for eggs to hatch).

This is the loners tank 30 gal long:a 6-7 texas cichlid which kills anything nearly my golden sevurums :S and tries to ATTAK ME AND OTHER FISH THROUGH THE GLASS:Slol stupid thing.

25 gallon community planted:2 large moonlight gouramies(i know need to be in bigger tank, but my aunt usto keep an iredescent shark and loads of other large fish in it :S poor things :(.

35 gallon discus heavily planted with sand ,may be upgrading to bigger tanks soon:Two brilliant turks and 1 3 inch pigeon leapard.With 1 unidentified rainbow fish and 2 praecox
rainbow fish

1 20gal planted breeding guppie tank to feed my texas cichlid(he wont eat anything except bloodworms and guppies :S CANNABAL).

i have a 48 inchx2ftx2ft vivarium: 32 inch corn snake growing fast(lost my other 1 :(..or got eaten)

4ftx3ftx18 inch vivarium:Lovely 24 inch M water dragon!!!only £75.00 !

plastic 1ftx6inchx6inch tank(guess):chilian Rose hair turantula(6inch) unwanted b day present when i asked for corn snake but got a f***ing turantula for some reason??..i hate arachnids(6inch)

