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  • I was a theoretical physicist in the 1970s-1980s and an artist specializing in mixed media when I worked in New York City long ago. Eventually became a high end audio electronics and loudspeaker designer which I am to this day.
    I now have 4 tanks ranging from 75 to 125 and all South American cichlids which I started about 2 years ago. I'm a big fan of utilizing riparian plants for nitrate reduction.
    Cool range of career choices! I'm a musician, so the audio electronics bit caught my attention...though recording software and mics is about as technical as I get. I try to outsource the engineering stuff whenever possible so I can just play the music. :)
    Hi, I'm sorry for the delay, I didn't check the messages! I have no talent so I design what people with talent record on! I love your area. I used to hike there every summer and I remember the most beautiful cirque I've ever seen in your area but I've forgotten the name! Thanks again for the warm welcome to this forum. Mike.
    No worries--I wasn't in a hurry. There is certainly a real talent to design and acoustics. I do not have that talent. ha ha It is beautiful here; sure has changed a lot, though. Where do you go when Wyoming gets too crowded??? Your cirque was probably Cirque of the Towers, Leg Lake, or Silas Canyon. Those are kind of the big three around here.
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