
Two time childhood cancer survivor, long term fish enthusiast. Have had all types of fish from goldfish, to tetras, plecos (oh so many plecos-but never enough), serpentine loaches, cory of all kinds, eels of many sizes, SA chiclids, barbs, betas, nano-fish, shrimp, to CO2 tanks, and under gravel filters, HOB filters, canister filters, sponge filters, internal filters...substrates like eco-complete (I put this s^it in everything!), neon gravel, play/pool sand (stay away its not worth it), red flint sand/gravel (so worth it), light with florescent tubes, basic led lights, fancy planters dream lights...speaking of plants, boy do I LOVE the plants! Have had crypts, anubias, swords, stems, buce, meboldi, bulbs, floaters. If I could get my hands on it I have tried it, if its for freshwater aquariums I probably tried it or currently use it.

Along with fish I have a 3-toed box turtle my brother abandoned when he moved out years ago. Her name is Hippie (lol, my brother...) I also have a parakeet named Petra, she is the last of six parakeets (RIP Zippy, Artoo, Rango, Disco aka Chewy and Teetsa). Finally the zoo is complete with four cats in order of age; Bowie, Wednesday, Zelda (my Avatar and every inch the spoiled princess), and Kermit (Kermie-the biggest kitten; 8lbs at 7 months though he is now over a year old).

Added a Kenyan sand boa (juvenile female) to my collection and my Sister added one (slightly older male) as well.
Real Name
My Aquariums & Fish
Too many to list right now...may edit in the future.
Pharmacy Technician (working on certification)






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