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  • duno m8 i'll weight it and get a quote :) you'll want an odd number of pieces if your going iwagumi too so 5 or 7?
    Sounds fine to me mate, I'll break out the hammer and bolster and see if I can come up with some nice looking pieces, dont like random smashing as might end up with pieces you cant ever use as they look un-natural, your going iwagumi right? If so I'll sort them into some layouts too.
    ok mate will need the postage estimate too before ya pay, how much you looking at price wise for the rock? Give me an idea?
    I'll have a go tomorrow mate, then I'll send you some bits, my Isle of the Crypts journal has one of my large rocks in it, its a 35L ARC and if you have a look it fills most of it so you wont need much really.
    I have mate, I have two large bits, how big is your tank? You may only need one, wont be cheap to post tho.
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