Timid Shell Dwellers


New Member
Jan 1, 2003
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I have just got a couple of shell dwellers. I watched the tank for a bit and noticed that one of them was pretty much living in a shell. The store keeper, rather than chase the other fish round with a net let me have the Shell (and enclosed fish) as well as another tank mate.

they both sheltered in the shell for the journey home, but only one has made an appearance. Is it possible that the other fish could of been hurt or even died during the journey?

Assuming it is okay any ideas on how long it will stay in there and how to encourage it out?

Ok, panic over :hyper: just seen both. the smaller of the two was hiding in my rocks. :hyper: :hyper:
so what are shell dwellers! fish! what kind, cos i got lost in here! :/
Sorry after all my typing forgot to mention the species, Lamprologus Brevis "Ikola" I think. :*)
Some things make it all worth while..... Having thought I'd bought 2..... I now have three :D :D :D :D :D

Must of been hiding in the shell?!? :rolleyes:
Hehe, thats happened to people I know before! One guy got was getting little clown loaches and two swam inside a castle in the shop tank so he gave the guy the castle to take home, he found 3 clowns and 2 khulis inside! However when he took back the castle the next day he returned the extra fish, I would like to think I would have done the same but I don't think I would have :devil:
William said:
Hehe, thats happened to people I know before! One guy got was getting little clown loaches and two swam inside a castle in the shop tank so he gave the guy the castle to take home, he found 3 clowns and 2 khulis inside! However when he took back the castle the next day he returned the extra fish, I would like to think I would have done the same but I don't think I would have :devil:
Hell no, if there were Kuhlis in there. Kuhlis are gold, baby, gold :D
Ok, two of my Brevis dwarves seem to have paired off now in the main shell. They were displaying this behaviour in the shop. Hopefully they'll go in for some lovin' and breed! :wub: :eek: One of them does this weird side arching of the tail!

However, the hitchhiker (see previous posts) keeps getting chased off by the other two. My question is, should I get some more? Or should I just create some more hiding places on the opposite side of the tank for this fish? There are plenty of shells and I've read that they only defend a small area around the shell.

They not really aggresive as such but I just feel a bit sorry for the odd one.



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