Red gills and pop eye


New Member
Aug 6, 2023
Reaction score
Grimsby, UK
Hi just noticed my fish had 1 pop eye. On closer inspection it also has some deep red gills. I've done a 50 percent water change and added melafix.

It seems to be swimming okay and eating currently. Anyone know what else I can do to help cure it. Thanks
Hello. Are you able to test your tank water? Large, regular water changes will maintain a stable and healthy water chemistry which is really all the fish require. Larger tanks are best for keeping fish, but with a couple of larger water changes done every week, you can have some small fish in a smaller tank.

Hi I can test water but haven't yet. I change the water regularly every week or week and half around 50 percent. Just wondering how I can help the fish with pop eye and red gills thanks
Hi I can test water but haven't yet. I change the water regularly every week or week and half around 50 percent. Just wondering how I can help the fish with pop eye and red gills thanks
Hello. Putting chemicals into the tank water is risky. The best thing you can do is maintain the best water conditions possible. This is done by removing and replacing half the water twice weekly for tanks up to 30 gallons or roughly 115 liters. Tanks larger than this need half the water removed and replaced weekly. If you like, you can add 30 grams of aquarium salt to every 20 liters of replacement water. Most pathogens that can infect a fish tank won't tolerate traces of aquarium salt.


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