New Nano Tank

got some more photos with some new corals in the tank

also does anyone know what this is growing out of my zoas?
Should i remove it?

Hi, got a trio of sexy shrimp today and will post some photos later.

I still don't know what the stringy stuff on the above photos are, can anyone help please?
If I'm looking at the right thing in the photo, the green stringy stuff will be a type of algae. Might be Bryopsis or a related species since one bit looks feathery (but not thick enough to be Caulerpa), but it's hard to tell. Unless you have something in the tank that you know will eat it (sea hare, certain sea urchins, etc.) it's usually best to remove it so that it doesn't become established as a pest, as many regular grazers like snails and grazing fish won't touch it.
Just read thru this! great looking tank! Your giving me inspiration to do a nano-marine!
been a while but here are some updated photos.

Also can someone ID the coral in the middle please.
Can anyone Id the coral in the last pic above? It seems to if really well with no special treatment
Looks like some sort of hairy mushroom, but it's sometimes hard to tell with things when they're small. Has it changed at all or grown since the pic?

The tank looks great.

I think I have the same one, a freebie with pfk magazine a few years back?

Anyway, if I remember correctly the tank is supplied with black filter pads in the rear? What have you done to make it marine? I'm a complete newb to anything salty but I am feeling inspired by your thread.
Ignore my questions I have just realized that the tank I have is actually 8l !!!

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