
Country joe

Fish Crazy
Mar 13, 2024
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I found a nice piece of Granite at the seashore not a big piece, but it has a round hole right through it, it's been out in my garden for some time, it was a bit green, I've scrubbed it with water and used a toothbrush and soaked it in a bleach and water solution, itscome up nice and white, I've soaked it in water for 24 hrs, do you think it would be safe for my aquarium.
As long as you didn't use any chemicals in the garden it should be fine.
I found a nice piece of Granite at the seashore not a big piece, but it has a round hole right through it, it's been out in my garden for some time, it was a bit green, I've scrubbed it with water and used a toothbrush and soaked it in a bleach and water solution, itscome up nice and white, I've soaked it in water for 24 hrs, do you think it would be safe for my aquarium.
Should be fine. If you wish you can change out the water and soak it a little while longer. Even most chemicals will dilute out at some point.
Not good, I just looked at the bleach Domestos gel, contains soap and perfume, if I can get another bleach and start again would that be okay, anyone know what make of bleach is safe .
Rinse and brush it with water overdosed with tap water conditioner. Then rinse that abundantly in normal conditioned water.

Granite porosity wont leach nor absorb that much.

But, If it is pieces from a countertop remnant or such, make sure you remove any trace of sealants or polishing compounds.

If it has a polished surface it has more than likely been sealed, You can use a rotating steel brush to rough out all the surface and remove the polishing.
You don't need to bleach it again, just wash it under tap water a few times and then leave it in the sun for a few days (turn it over every 24 hours). The sunlight will break down any chlorine residue and washing should remove the surfactant (soap) and perfume.
Not good, I just looked at the bleach Domestos gel, contains soap and perfume, if I can get another bleach and start again would that be okay, anyone know what make of bleach is safe .
I would just wash it too much, repeatedly. It's not ruined. My favorite cleanser is vinegar solution if there is no real need for bleach. Bleach is fine though, unless you do what you just did. :)

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