Clown Loach


Spinning around
Oct 25, 2003
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Common Name/s: Clown Loach

Scientific name: Botia macracanthus

Family: Cobitidae

Origin: Indonesia, Sumatra, Borneo

Maximum Size: 12" (generally smaller).

Care: A hardy Botia that demands little. Be sure to buy a group as they are a very social fish. Four or more is best. A nice peaceful Loach suitable for nearly all peaceful community tanks. A tank of at least 55gallons is recommended.

Feeding: Will accept most foods. Be sure to feed frozen foods too. In my experience they also love a slice of cucumber every week or so.

Sexing and Breeding: No detailed breeding reports in captivity.

Comments: A seasoned favourite with alot of aquarists for its wonderful colour and active personality. But do remember their potentail size when considering this Botia.
I would like to add something,Clown loaches are very hardy but they are prone to white spot and need a fine gravel or sand. but they make a great addition to the community tank.

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