Betta Id? Imbellis?


Feb 12, 2006
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Tampa, Florida, USA
this fish was sold for 5.99USD at my lfs

it was labeled Imbellis Betta.

never hear of it is it a new kind?

it has a split tail. no the tail is not ripped or nipped. just split.

hes is very blue. dark blue with white tips on his first fins, but cant see them on this pic well.

this was the last one the had labeled "Imbellis"
also 5.99$ they have delta like fins exept they are 2-3 splits and they are natural. not ripped or torn , even thought the pic makes it look like it. and a delta like top fin except with crowntail form.

Nope, its not an imbellis. Its a regular delta (or SD, or HM depending on caudal spread) The split MAY be slight DT, you'd have to take a pic of it flaring to see properly. Get flashing with the camera and we'll see!!!

BTW this is an imbellis
I don't know of an actual name. The mask says he could be imbellis, but the long fins he has throws me off to belive he's just a splendens.
There could be some imbellis lineage, but so watered down to produce something that fancy it's about the same as any other betta.
If those bettas have any imbellis in them, it is very watered down.

Here is a picture of imbellis. Not a great photo, but you get the idea, very different. They had one at the LFS I frequent. Soooo tempted again.


Probably old labeling. The LFS still has corydora habrosus in their labels, they haven't carried habrosus for 6 months.
Pure imbellis has green bars on their gill plates and are never of the long-finned kind. They can be considered old-world bettas - wild, short-finned, drab colors. Much faster and more unpredictable in a fight than splendens, but will usually run.

Here are the imbellis basics:

Either you are confused, or your petstore is misleading you. I think it may be a bit of both. Petstores tend to give fish fancy names, to make them sell better, and to get more money. I am sorry to say that both of those tails do look damaged. they are most likely just your average Delta/super delta's. Most petstores don't keep betta's in the best water conditions. If you feed them well, and keep the water clean, you will see growth. The colors are pretty, and $5.99 isn't too bad for those fish (especially once you get them into tip top condition :)
Imbellis are the only bettas I keep. Unlike splendens, they can be kept together in a tank and will usually get along fine- this includes multiple males. They should be kept in lower current and with plants, including floaters.

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