Anubias flowered!


Mar 1, 2023
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Houston, TX
Im so jealous!! It looks so great, I had Gorgeous anubias growing in a 55 gal and then i naively added silver dolars… yeah that didn’t end well for the anubias, Currently trying to grow them out from small chunks of their rhizomes 😅, yours looks great! Cant wait till any of mine are back up and growing like this, might take a year or so to reach that point.
hmmm, is there a houseplant related to the one that is shown here in bloom? It looks a lot like certain houseplant flowers I have seen.
hmmm, is there a houseplant related to the one that is shown here in bloom? It looks a lot like certain houseplant flowers I have seen.
Acutally, yes. This one. The flower is a bit bigger on the houseplant though. I'm not sure what it's called.

I have propegated it once so far into this pot.


The mother plants is in this pot.

Yeah, ok that sort of looks like what I was thinking about. I'm an outdoor plant gal and really have had very little luck with indoor ones.
Yeah, ok that sort of looks like what I was thinking about. I'm an outdoor plant gal and really have had very little luck with indoor ones.
there’s many outdoor and indoor arum lilies that look a lot like anubias:
Spathiphyllum (peace lily) looks the most like it,
outdoors white calla lilies look a lot like the flowers.

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