Adopted Betta With Bloated Belly


New Member
Aug 30, 2007
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hey all,

I have 5 betta of my own that are healthy and well, but tonight I adopted a CT from a friend who could no longer care for him. I went to pick him up and and I could not believe what I saw. His belly is bloated, like really bloated. He seems to be swimming just fine and my friend says that he has been this way for months. Do you have any idea what this could be? Is there any way to help him? I have never seen this on any of my bettas and I have had lots over the years. I really want to help the little guy if I can :(



I am not too sure about his recent behaviour as I just adopted him this evening, but his former owner says that he is eating just fine and there seems to be feces at the bottom of the tank.

I am reading some articles right now that seem to point toward dropsy - if this is the case then how should I go about treating this? He is in a 1g fish bowl.
OMG! poor little guy :-( ur really nice by takin a fish like this. But, yeah it looks like a tumor and maybe it got used to it eats and swims fine. Probably hurt sometimes though. Have u put any kind of treatment for him?
I have not given him any treatments yet. I was waiting to see what people thought would be best for him. I read somewhere that I should try Maracyn 2 so I am going to go to my local figh store and see if they have any. I feel so bad for this little guy :( My friend just thought that he was fat. She said that he is eating fine, but she was feeding those pellet things. I tried giving him frozen blood worms tonight and he would not touch them. Then again he just had a move and a partial water change so he might be a little stressed.
I had one IDENTICAL to this. He was being fed too much, and didnt eat for a bit. I would leave him without food for like, one day. He never pineconed (Raising of the scales like a pinesone), but died. I really think it was a tumor. Im very sorry to say this, but mine died. I wouldnt try to get too attached..... :sad:

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