
  1. Connershawzz

    Best way to transfer established tank

    My father is giving me his (I think) 30 gallon tank. He has a bala , an African cichlid, and a pleco. He hasn’t had time to maintain it how it should be so he’s letting me take it over. It’s about a 25 minute car ride. I was thinking just bring it down to like %30 water and gently driving them...
  2. S

    Transporting 2 Bettas

    Hello! In the next month and a half, I will be moving around 8 hours away (more if there’s stops-). I am lucky enough to be able to bring my two bettas, however I am wondering, what would be the best way to transport them? I worry about oxygen and heating, so does anyone have tips? I was...
  3. JFox

    Glofish transportation

    Hi! I'm new to this forum. I looked around for an answer to this question but didnt see an answer. Is there a good way to transport glofish that they wont be so stressed and will survive the trip from the pet store? (At least an hour transit? About a month ago I saw some glofish and wanted some...
  4. C

    Moving Home - Transporting Fish Via Car Ferry

    We're moving house and are hatching the plan for our established but relatively understocked 96l tropical fish tank. Inhabitants are manily angel fish, cat fish, tetras and loaches (total fish length about 50cm). Our cunning plan is to use a 60l coleman coolbox for the transportation: 1. Empty...