
  1. fishlover22346

    Possible Guppy hybrids?

    Hello all! I would like to figure some things out involving these weird Guppy hybrids I caught in a pond. My first question is there any chance, even the slightest chance of a platy or mosquitofish hybridizing with a guppy? if so, do you have any pictures? The pond I got these hybrids from only...
  2. D

    Does my fish have dropsys?

    My female platy just had babies last week. She had a really big belly and 2 of my guppies were chasing her like crazy. We figured that they just wanted her eggs. Fast forward a week after the babies and now they’re still chasing her... and becoming more and more aggressive. I tried adding...
  3. M

    Platy feeding

    hey I’ve recenty got 2 platy to start my tank up and was wondering how many flakes should they be fed and how many times a day? Thanks
  4. O

    Is my mickey mouse platy pregnant

    I got my mickey mouse platy a bit more than a week ago and she's paired with another female and a male, she's gotten really big and hides in the corner. Is she pregnant?
  5. M

    Platy acting weird

    Hello, My 10 gallon tank is 2 months old now. It has 2 Platys, 5 Neon, 2 Glo fish and 2 Cory Catfish. I feel it has more than it can handle. Local store says it is fine. Coming to the point - I had lost a Platy a month back and got another one. For last two days, the older Platy is inactive...
  6. C

    What type of fish is this?

    Hello, New to this and have a Cold water tank with goldfish and two other (platies) I think. Also have a tropical tank with guppies and puffers. Please could someone advise me what type of fish this is and if she's pregnant as she's huge compared to her tank mate. Thanks in advance. Chloe
  7. C

    Platy fry turned purple!?

    hey guys i know nothing on fry but 1 of my Mickey mouse fry (3 days old) is suddenly a bluey/purple!? all the others are normal colour. is eating and swimming fine but what's happening to it
  8. milogen

    Help! 2 sunset platys, one might be preg?

    I recently got 2 sunset platys and I originally thought they were both boys. Especially since the bigger one chased the littler one around a lot (it doesnt do that anymore though, for some reason. Maybe they worked it out?). But after some research apparently, the girls have rounder, fan-shaped...
  9. S

    Platy Hiding

    A while back I was gone for 2 weeks on vacation. My 10gal tank had 2 male platies and 4 golden tetras. We came back, and one platy was completely missing, so we assumed it either died and was eaten somehow, or a cat got to it. Now though, the remaining platy hides constantly and only comes out...
  10. J

    Poorly platy,swimming funny, any advice?

    Ok I'm new to this forum but looking for some advice please as other forums have just kind of ignored my plea for help! I have a poorly platy, everything has been fine up until this morning where he's just started swimming erratically and kinda doing back flips and all sorts. All my others seen...
  11. D

    Molly needs help

    Hi, I purchased a molly 3 weeks ago and he is experiencing weird behaviour that I don't know what it is. I placed him in a 120 gallon cycled tank along with other species. Whenever I saw him acting strange a few days ago, I transfered him to a quarantine tank. He is the only one in the tank...
  12. A

    Male Platy Injured?

    Hello, I am a fairly new fish owner. We started our 20 gal tank in January and have 3 lamp eye tetras, male and female Platy pair and 4 rio tetras. Recently the Platys are not doing so hot. The female is hinding the the log all day. Only comes out for feedings and the male looks nipped in his...
  13. L

    Platy Swimming Straight Down After Levamisole

    My new (as of 3 weeks ago) guppy started getting emaciated and swimming funny. Too late, I figured out it was the camallanus worm (unmistakable- he had the red spider-like worms peeking out of his anal vent). I did a lot of thorough online research and ordered Levamisole from Subquaria to treat...
  14. WillowDryad

    Bisexual platy?

    I have a red wag platy that will not leave my big calico (cant remember exact name) platy male alone. He tries to use his gonopodium on him all day long. I had another Micky male in the tank I had to move because red would dart at him, so I don't believe it's territorial. He likes the female...
  15. J

    One platy fins looks like it has been attacked

    Hello, I have a 75 litre fish tank that has 4 neon tetras and 5 platys in 2 female and 3 male. Yesterday i noticed that one of the female platys was just floating in the current of the tank putting in just enough effort to keep stable in the water.on closer inspection i noticed her fins have...
  16. V

    29 Gallon Angelfish Community Suggestions

    After a mass-die off of guppies in my 29 gallon planted tank, I've made the decision to restock the tank in a few weeks and I really want a pair of angelfish in the tank. However, I also have 2 platies and would like to add a few more of them to have a small school of fish in addition to the...
  17. V

    Sudden Change In Fish Behavior Overnight

    Hi everyone, So just yesterday my fish were all swimming around happily in my 29 gallon planted tank. I got this tank a while back, cycled it for two to three weeks, and just added the fish two weeks ago. The fish I had were: 6 guppies from my previous tank, which was running for four months...
  18. S

    Possible gill flukes and white spot? :/

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice please because I'm feeling a little out of my depth. I had a 58 litre tank with a couple of Sterbai Cory and a few guppies which exploded on the guppy population. I upgraded them to a 125 litre around the start of December last year and cycled the tank...
  19. C


    Hello. we have had 2 female platys for about a month now and one has had problems for some time. This morning we noticed that she has been lying on her side at the bottom of the tank and hardly moving. when she does try to swim, she freaks out and leans to the side and kind of barrel rolls She...
  20. N

    HELP! Is my platy pregnant??

    I am new to this hobby and I need to know if my platy is pregnant as I will need to get the proper equipment! Thanks so much