Vintage Razor Blade Magnetic Algae Scrapers...

I also had one of those old razor blade ones which I finally had to replace last year. My fear was always that I would be unable to find traditional razor blades to replace when needed, but they seem to still be available.
Here in the UK there are plenty of razor blade type stainless steel scrapers listed on Amazon and eBay but in the end what I wanted was a long handled one as the old one was too short. I therefore bought a Chinese one which came with 10 metal blades (similar to razor blades - not as sharp but sharp enough and wider than a razor so it's faster). The shaft is in 3 screw together sections so you can adjust the length. You can also alter the angle of the cutter to maintain the best angle when scaping into awkward corners. Best of all is that you can replace the head with a small brush which is great for really tight spaces and for corners where it cleans up the sealant a treat!
One tip - although it is pretty rust proof, it can be difficult to unscrew the sections if you leave them screwed up tight for any length of time, so now after I've finished I lightly unscrew it before putting it away.
I was sceptical that a cheapish item from China would be any good but after nearly 2 years I'm more than happy with it - the best scraper I've owned in 50 years fishkeeping! Spare blades aren't available but I've just changed to my second blade, so the 10 it came with should be plenty.
I got my Schlick injector razor blades today… took me all of 5 minutes to figure out how to change them ( I think they were assembled, to be able to change the blades ) I don’t recall ever seeing that listed anywhere… it it works like brand new now, and better than any new scraper I’ve tried..
I used some fine grit sand paper to clean up the rust stuck to the plastic parts, to get a nice smooth surface lower than the blades stick out
Now I wish I had more of them… I probably had about 10 of them when I had tanks before, but I could only find 3 complete today…
I haven't found anything like these... I think mine were Penn Plax & used the Injector style single edge razor blades, 2 of them on the scraper piece... I remember them working leaps and bounds better than any of the new magnetic scrapers out there, that I have bought recently... the only downfall I remember about them, was they did not float... and after years the blades started pitting, & they didn't scrape as well... I have several sets of these, & am buying a new pack of the injector style blades, expect they'll work great again, after replacing the 20 year old razor blades...

anything out there similar today...
How about one of these - you'll get your hands wet but they work and also have similar plastic ones on Amazon.

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